Going through big changes in life can be stressful, tiring and emotional. It is normal to not feel like your usual self during periods of change, particularly if they are unexpected changes such as the loss of somebody you know, or receiving a diagnosis or injury. However, even the common transitions that most people go through can cause a great deal of stress and can be difficult to adapt to.
Some common life transitions include moving into a new house, getting married, having kids, moving to a new country, getting a divorce, going to university, or getting a new job. Most of these transitions can make your lifestyle completely different and therefore can be difficult to adjust to. The stress of these changes can also have an impact on other important areas such as your work life.
You may have noticed that you unable to stop thinking about the transition, and therefore cannot concentrate on your work. This may be causing you to make more mistakes, forget things more often or feel more disorganised than you usually are. You may be missing days at work or running late more often due to the stress associated with the transition. On the other hand you may be dedicated to your work and love your career, but are struggling to find a way to balance this with any new responsibilities that you now have.
If you are about to experience a life transition, are in the process of going through a transition, or have previously experienced a life transition which is continuing to have an effect on your performance or enjoyment at work, VCPS practitioners can help you work through this. They can provide you with the support to work through the life transition in your personal life but also more specifically ways to prevent it from impacting on your work life.
This can include: