Colin Beames

Organisational and Counselling Psychologist
E.Eng(Hons), Civil Engineering; BA(Hons), Psychology; MBA, Human Resources
Make An Appointment
  • East Melbourne
  • Telehealth video conferencing

50 minute consultation: $280.00

Click below to see information on:

  • Medicare rebates
  • Assessments and reports
  • Non attended session fees
Show details

If you have a Mental Health Care Plan referral to see me from your GP, Medicare will subsidise up to 10 sessions per calendar year with an amount starting from $96.65.

You will receive the lower rebate until you reach your Medicare Safety Net. For more information on the Safety Net click here.

Diagnostic Assessments and Report:

Fees vary, if you require an assessment of this nature, I ask you to first make an initial 50 minute appointment to see me and we will discuss your requirements in this consultation.

Non Attended Session Fees:

I require 2 full working days (Monday-Friday only) notice should you need to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. You must do this by telephone.

– If you give us 2 or more business days’ notice: no fee

– Less than 2 business days: full consultation fee

Out of courtesy to our professional relationship, I request that you provide at least 7 days notice to cancel an appointment as I have limited appointments available.

  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 5.00pm
  • Friday: 9:00am - 5.00pm

Hello, my name is Colin Beames,

I am an experienced counselling and organisational psychologist who works with adults in a number of areas including:

  • Careers advice and career transition, including mid-life career change
  • Mid-life changes / crisis
  • Workplace issues and concerns
  • Anxiety and stress management
  • Work performance
  • Self-development
  • Conflict resolution
  • Gambling
  • Coaching and mentoring

My first career was as a civil engineer working in senior management and consulting, and then I made a career change to psychology, focusing on the counselling and organisational sectors. My honours thesis is on mid-life career change, and I am skilled in providing support, mentoring and coaching when people are seeking career alternatives, and/or addressing workplace and personal issues.

I have a sound understanding of business and organisation functions, including how people experience work related stressors. I work with people across a broad spectrum including business owners and executives, through to front-line workers. My style is unassuming and conversational; I ask questions that enable clients to identify patterns and develop fresh insights.

I have written a number of books including ‘Aligning Workforce and Business Strategies’ ‘How to Manage Your Workforce in the Digital Age’, and in conjunction with my wife ‘Exiting the Gambling Addiction’.

I draw upon a wide variety of therapeutic styles, including EMDR.

Issues I can help with
Drugs And Alcohol
Assertiveness Training
Health & Lifestyle
Careers Counselling
Life Transition
Conflict Resolution
Rehab & Injury Counselling
Critical Incident Debriefing
Sexual Abuse
Disordered Eating
Stress Management & Relaxation
Leadership & Management
Trauma & Ptsd
Return To Work Assistance
Relationship Counselling
Work Performance
Academic Performance & Giftedness
Academic Performance
Drugs & Alcohol
Adjustment Difficulties
Anger Management
Depression & Mood