VCPS delivers services to Federal and Local Government organisations, businesses and individuals via a mental health workforce, predominately comprised of clinical psychologists, but also complimented by psychiatrists, general practitioners, neuropsychologists and educational psychologists.
VCPS is an experienced service provider to Australian Government departments, Primary Health Care Networks, and Private Health Insurance organisations. Our systems and processes deliver a best practice, Government approved, solution in terms of compliance; security; confidentiality; and robust transparent policies, procedures and reporting. We oversee the commercial integration of our practitioners into a credentialed, specific program trained and approved workforces to deliver on projects where there are requirements including integrated reporting, security, confidentiality and consistent clinical service delivery.
VCPS partners with large organisations to deliver services in a scalable, timely and efficient manner. We are experienced in the administration of programs where there is highly sensitive and confidential information, and our IT solutions have been developed with this in mind.
Our IT platform is externally known as an “Online Practice Management Solution” and this offers ‘live’ real-time availability of our workforce, with various access levels to differentiate our clinical workforce from our administration and management team.
Clinicians can use the solution to update their diary, manage their availability and report back on the administration and key performance indicators associated with the program they are delivering services within. On an administration and reporting level, the solution provides: client email/sms reminders, online client case notes (housed only within highly encrypted Australian servers), clinical reports and treatment progress letters, and clinical review templates and clinical workflows, invoicing, reporting, and financial reconciliation. We have innovative add-ons developed for various organisations including private online maps to locate the nearest provider, online booking portals for organisations to book appointments and jobs directly with our workforce (negating the need to liaise with our intake team), and a “ticketing system” to log and manage all requests until they are fulfilled.
Our National Network of clinicians deliver services in over 200 locations around Australia.
The psychologists in our national network are trained, supported and managed by our Network Program Manager. Our national network is comprised of clinicians located in every state. For remote locations, and for our client organisations who have staff overseas, we provide a secure telehealth solution.
VCPS manages the credentialing and training of the practitioner workforce, and oversee all compliance to our program partners’ individual requirements, including administration, reporting, IT compliance and security, clinical competencies, and performance against key program indicators. Each of our partners require a unique solution in terms of program deliverables, referral mechanisms, workflow, authorisations at various stages of service delivery and clinical interventions. VCPS can offer tailored solutions in each of these areas.
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